Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Last Catch-Up Blog Hop!!! "I'm a Loser, Baby!"

This was from week four of The Owls Approve Blog Hop! (whoops!)

I'm A Loser, Baby
Let's talk about your horse's biggest fail.  What did Thunderhooves do that embarrassed you, scared you, shocked you or just annoyed the hell out of you?

Lily, oh Lily. Like I mentioned in the last post, Lily used to dig to China..I mean a hole so deep from being in her stall that I could hear the freaken gongs and see dragons...okay.
A more calm moment...of her stall-digging past.

Lily also trampled me one time. And attempted kicking me. Luckily has never bit me. She's bucked and reared and performed caprioles...whilst mounted and whilst on foot. 

The fact that my mare is constantly trying to get laid is also a minor issue...and just a tad embarrassing.

Lily hates, and I mean HATES showmanship, fitting and show, whatever the hell its called. Anyway, she dragged little 12-year-old me around the ring parading and eating a chunk of the judges straw hat off...and just generally being snarky and restless, and well, terrible. The only reason we didn't place dead last is because some girl's pony actually kicked the judge....sigh. (In all honesty this photo was a good one.)
She was plotting something. I know it. 
Finally. This is hilarious. I can't get the whole video on here, so screenshots it is~ enjoy my mare being a complete and utter doofus. Failing whilst free jumping! 

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