Monday, March 23, 2015

The Owls Approve Blog Hop: Metamorphosis


We've talked about what your horse doesn't like to do, and I don't want to confuse this with that.  I'm not talking about personality quirks or training foibles.  Tell me:  if you could change something (or things) about your horse, what would you?

I would change her age...I'd bring her back a couple years. Maybe to age 8 or 9. (She's 13)

I would change her height. Just a hand or two. I like 'em big. ;)

I would change her hocks. (They suck.) I would also build up her front end: she's a bit downhill.

I love her grey....but she's got melanomas...I would change that. At least, make it so she couldn't get them ): plus she can get hella dirty! 

Even though she can be a straight pain in the ass, I wouldn't change her personality for anything. 


  1. Mine is a little downhill too, fixing that would make a big difference I think!

  2. Ditto. And don't tell Archie, but I secretly want a gray next.
