Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Happy Fifth Year Anniversary

As I am away at college, I don't have any photos from today...but this Friday I'll be home to see my pony! :)

Anyway, today marks the fifth year anniversary of ownership! <3

I have some photos from our lease period in 2009, the day I bought her and then a photo or two from each year!

2009 (First year I leased her)

Hell, we looked good! 

March 3rd, 2010:
My life began on this day <3

AND NOW: A photo from each year of ownership! 

We started jumping more regularly...

The year we qualified for the Big E!

2012 (This year Lily was on and off lame...pictures of riding were few and far in between) 

Mare-y Chrstmas!
* And I still can't find that jacket ^ I'm bumming about that still....meh


Missing these days!

Our first relatively "big" height class

March 3rd 2014: (Our fourth year anniversary) 
Four years!

2015 (I don't have any riding pics this year...Still waiting on some....xD)
Happy 13th Birthday, Lily

March 3rd 2015: Here I am in college...three hours away...Luckily I still got my pony-time today....shhh don't tell Lily! But hey- we'll celebrate this weekend! 
Aries looking awkward and cute!
