Wednesday, December 3, 2014

October Review and (we are skipping November....) Onward to December Goals


Time Flies!!

I have almost finished my first college semester...and have neglected my blog!!! NOW my goals are to pass FINALS with flying colors, much less midterms!


To say the least, I did pass my midterms with awestruck wonder...I suppose. (It's nearly midnight, don't judge my word choices). P.S. I got an A on my biology. HOO-RAH.

I had been going to yoga 2-3 times per week...and then...I just stopped. Life got busy and exercise is what I cut. I'm bummed, but to compensate I'm trying to make healthier eating choices! I'll try harder next semester!

Kill my first horse show. YEAH. I rode an (adorable) little black pony and we won first in novice flat. She reminded me a lot of Lily (a smaller, blacker, quicker Lily!) I also took a large bay warmblood who was a little too pokey for me in the hunter fences. It was okay. We took fourth. Not bad for a kick-hard-to-start-canter and a trot break before a fence!

I didn't get to take Lily to the beach ): Next year.

ANNNNND Onward to December. The most wonderful (and busy!) time of the year!!! 

1. Finish Christmas shopping (and DON'T keep buying my horse 83272532050 things). I only have two gifts to go!

2. Boost my home-created business- Soaps N' Such Creations. (visit my website HERE)

3.  Post a heck of a lot more. AT LEAST 2x per week...

4. Do some fun equestrian reviews of those 83272523050 things I have purchased for Lily...

5. Watch It's a Wonderful Life. (the annual BEST film ever. It's simply a must!)

6. Head home, grab mane and kick on.

7. Oh and I should probably study for finals to kick some more sweet ass. WOO.


Delaney (and really no input from Lily- what a lazy bum!!!)

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